Wednesday 14 April 2010

TRANSANTIAGO: before and after

I'm actually living in Santiago since last year, so I didn't use really the pre-transantiago system, just I used it on holidays when I was in here, so I don't have too many opinions.
Transantiago was launched in February 2007, on that year I was living in Calama so I wasn't here to see how it was the beginning. It was launched during the government of the President Michelle Bachelet.
I think that the transantiago it's much better than the older system, because it's more estructured, the buses have colors, and diferent routes, we have now maps with the buses in it, so you can see which bus number do you need to go somewhere.
There are also combinations with the underground, which it's pretty usefull. Now we have the bip card so you don't have to find your coins and cash on your wallet anymore (that's very usefull, when you have many many things on your bag, like me, and you can't find your wallet).
The Transantiago it's also cheaper, because you can pay once and take the buses that you like for 2 hours, and also if you want to take a bus, and then the underground, you also pay just once. Another good thing is that there are specially streets for the Transantiago, so the people that go by car don't have to drive next to the buses (the bus drivers aren't very polite by driving).
There are determinated bus stops, so the bus don't stop anywhere, and that makes it faster.

Like I said, I'm not from Santiago, so I can't compare how it was when it started and now.
One thing that I don't like about Transantiago is that sometimes the buses don't come frequently and when they arrive, they come FULL, and I think that a good solution will be establish schedules, on every bus stop (in Germany they use this sistem), so you can be sure when the bus comes, and if you're late you know exactly when will come the next one. And that will be also a ood idea for the Chilean peolple, that we are usually very unpunctual.


  1. Nicole I agree with you on the frecuency of the buses, because sometimes I had wated 20 minutes to take one.

  2. no there is no subway in Guatemala :S haha

  3. Hi Nicole, I think the same of Gaby, as well... take care! kisses!

  4. the combinations are cool, the transport results cheaper with this system. You can up and down when you want and still paying the same jajjajaja

  5. I like the structure of Transantiago to which you refer, travel's times are shorter and despite the transfers. I have to say I'm very happy with this new system ... Thanks Zamorano!!! xD !

    See you in class Nicole!

  6. I'm actually living in Santiago since last year, so I didn't use really the pre-transantiago system, just I used it on holidays when I was in here, so I don't have too many opinions.
    Transantiago was launched in February 2007, on that year I was living in Calama so I wasn't here to see how it was the beginning. It was launched during the government of the President Michelle Bachelet.
    I think that the transantiago it's much better than the older system, because it's more estructured, the buses have colors, and diferent routes, we have now maps with the buses in it, so you can see which bus number WO do you need to go somewhere.
    There are also combinations with the underground, which it's pretty SP usefull. Now we have the bip card so you don't have to find your coins and cash on your wallet anymore (that's very usefull, when you have many many things on your bag, like me, and you can't find your wallet).
    The Transantiago it's also cheaper, because you can pay once and take the buses that you like for 2 hours, and also if you want to take a bus, and then the underground, you also pay just once. Another good thing is that there are specially streets for the Transantiago, so the people that go by car don't have to drive next to the buses (the bus drivers aren't very polite by driving).
    There are WW determinated bus stops, so the bus SVA don't stop anywhere, and that makes it faster.

    Like I said, I'm not from Santiago, so I can't compare how it was when it started and now.
    One thing that I don't like about Transantiago is that sometimes the buses don't come frequently and when they arrive, they come FULL, and I think that a good solution will be establish schedules, on every bus stop (in Germany they use this SP sistem), so you can be sure when the bus comes, and if you're late you know exactly when will come the next one. And that will be also a ood idea for the Chilean peolple, that we are usually very WW unpunctual.

    well done! well if you missed the old system is a good thing
    check the corrections

    p.s. you got a 5.8
