Wednesday 27 May 2009

My favourite piece of technology

It is: my notebook. I got it this summer, in February I think. My father bought it to me because I needed one for studying and for doing my works.

I use it almost everyday, and for everything! I can see my emails, keep in touch with my friends with skype, messenger or facebook, I can see the powerpoint presentations from university in u-cursos and also see if I have homeworks, or my marks...etc. I can save my photos, my music, documents, watch movies...etc. I'm always listening to music with my notebook, because my radio doesn't work very well and with my ipod it's not the same, and because you can always search in internet for new songs!.

I love it! it's very fast by processing and it's not heavy at all, so I can take it with me and go where I want, and the best it's that my notebook it's very small so I can put it inside every bag that I have and not only in this bag that you take for free when you buy your notebook, that sometimes can be a little bit dangerous because calls people attention.
I can do everything with it, almost everything thanks to internet... if I didn't have internet there's a lot of things that I couldn't do.

If I didn't have my notebook... my life wouldn't be the same haha, no but it would be complicated, because when I need some information about anything, the first thing I do it's searching on internet and that happens very often. When I want to see the news I can see them on internet too.. or when Im bored I can download movies, I can use messenger to talk with my friends... everything!

My notebook is like this one, but prettier because mine is white =)


  1. the laptop its a really good technology piece, its make you the life easier like a cpu, you can carry on at all the places!
    white? its a great color bur i prefer the mine! jjaja a red one.


  2. Hi Nicole!! How are you?
    yeeeeeesss!!! our laptops are the best jajajajaja
    Don't worry!! take it easy, I don't have any problem to added you to msn
    well, see you!!

  3. Good.
    You have a 6.5

