Monday 26 April 2010

Last term 2009: good and bad points

Last term I lived very good things, and also bad things, I'll start with the bad things and let the best things for the end.
Last year I was on my first year in the university, I did like very much the career but the last term was very very stressful for me. I had new subjects, like histology, anatomy, and biochemistry. I didn't pass biochemistry, and I hated that subject because I didn't understand it very well of course, and the teachers did never upload the power point presentations to U-cursos, and I hated that! because on the class I couldn't pay attention and also copy what was on the power point, and every day that I had biochemistry was a bad day!. And because of that, I did the summer course, in december and january, and I passed finally biochemistry, but it was really bad, because I'm from Calama, and all I wanted during the year was going to Calama in december, to see my friends from the school, and spend the christmas there with my family, and be at my home, see my dogs, and everything!! And I couldn't make that, I was very sad, and also very angry with me because it was my fault. And I had to be in Santiago on january to, and I hated that also!, I don't like Santiago, at all, and I wanted to go on holidays and not stay there the whole year.
The others bad things were just the stress, in november I really was in stress, I dind't wanted to study anymore, I was sooo tired and bored, I had to study every day! I couldn't do nothing else!.
I think the worse thing about last term, was the difference between how was my life in Calama (living with my parents, that the city was not big at all, etc) and then in Santiago. I was not used to do the housework, to cook every day, to go alone anywhere, the distances, the transantiago, living just with my sister, and doing all by myself, it was a very big change.

Now the good things! I learned how to work with horses, I learned it on hippotherapy, it was really relaxing and funny to work with them, I love horses!. Another good thing was that me and my sister moved to another department, bigger and new, we were very very happy!! Finally I had my own room, and a big kitchen and the living room was a lot bigger than the other one in the old department. And because of the new department, and because I had more space, my boyfriend gave me a little cat!!!! And it's was so pretty, my cat's name is Mo, and is very sweet, me and my sister were very happy with Mo.
What else... I passed the rest of the subjects and I promised not to fail again on the second year, hopefully!


  1. Last term I lived very good things, and also bad things, I'll start with the bad things and let the best things for the end.
    Last year I was on my first year in the university, I did like very much the career but the last term was very very stressful for me. I had new subjects, like histology, anatomy, and biochemistry. I didn't pass biochemistry, and I hated that subject because I didn't understand it very well of course, and the teachers did never upload the power point presentations to U-cursos, and I hated that! because on the class I couldn't pay attention and also copy what was on the power point, and every day that I had biochemistry was a bad day!. And because of that, I did the summer course, in december and january, and I passed finally biochemistry, but it was really bad, because I'm from Calama, and all I wanted during the year was going to Calama in december, to see my friends from the school, and spend the christmas there with my family, and be at my home, see my dogs, and everything!! And I couldn't WW make that, I was very sad, and also very angry with me because it was my fault. And I had to be in Santiago WW on january to, and I hated that also!, I don't like Santiago, at all, and I wanted to go on holidays and not stay there the whole year.
    The others bad things were just the stress, in november I really was in stress, I dind't wanted to study anymore, I was sooo tired and bored, I had to study every day! I couldn't do nothing else!.
    I think the worse thing about last term, was the difference between how was my life in Calama (living with my parents, that the city was not big at all, etc) and then in Santiago. I was not used to do the housework, to cook every day, to go alone anywhere, the distances, the transantiago, living just with my sister, and doing all by myself, it was a very big change.

    Now the good things! I learned how to work with horses, I learned it on hippotherapy, it was really relaxing and funny to work with them, I love horses!. Another good thing was that me and my sister moved to another WW department, bigger and new, we were very very happy!! Finally I had my own room, and a big kitchen and the living room was a lot bigger than the other one in the old department. And because of the new department, and because I had more space, my boyfriend gave me a little cat!!!! And it's was so pretty, my cat's name is Mo, and is very sweet, me and my sister were very happy with Mo.
    What else... I passed the rest of the subjects and I promised not to fail again on the second year, hopefully!

    the best of luck!! well you're a grownup now...
    p.s. you got a 6.2

  2. Hi Nicole.
    I felt like I really could relate to this post, because I'm not from Santiago and I'm also hate biochemistry (which is ironic, because I studied biochemistry for almost 3 years before being in vet school).
    See you in class.
