Thursday 15 July 2010

My experience learning english at the university

In my first month at the university (last year) I had an english exam to see wich level of english I had. With this exam I knew wich class I had to take. This class was english preintermediate, and it was a class that was required. I took this class on the second semester last year with another students from my other classes. And this year I took english pilot on the first semester. This second class was not required, just I took it because I wanted it. I took this class with 2 of my best friends as an elective class, because we need to have an elective class and 2 other kinds of classes before the end of the second semester from this year.

The first class I had, english preintermediate, was not so difficult but you needed to dedicate a lot of time to this class, because like it was required, it was more strict and we had a lot of littles exams, a lot of homeworks, and we had to read a lot of papers... I think the papers was the hardest part. In this class I learned new vocabulary, a lot, and we had on every class several conversations, and that was very very usefull... the best way of learning english is talking and practicing. I liked this class because it was funny, we played games sometimes, we saw a movie from the national geographic and at the end of the class we made a dissertation about something related to our career. On this dissertation I was soo nervous! I couldn't speak fluent, but anyway I had a good mark. This class was also very good for me because my english became better, when I was at the school I spoke english very well, but then I went to Germany and I lived there for 1 year, and I forgot everything!!. In my first months in Germany, I spoke english very well, because I didn't spoke german, so I had to speak with the germans in english. But then, when I learned a little bit of german, I mixed german with english, because there was some words that I didn't know in german, so I spoke "germanglish" for like 4 months... so then when I came back to Chile, and got into the university, when I had to speak in my english class, I always got confused.

Then this semester, I took the english pilot class. I loved this class! It was very light, funny, and with funny homeworks most of the times. I liked it because we had also this quizzes, but there was just like listening quiz, so I didn't have to study or do boring homeworks, just practicing. I think this class was very usefull, because it was more practicing, in comparison with the english pre-intermediate, so it was funnier and also better, because I think that a person learn better if he/she practices. Also I liked it, because in the class we just talked about something, with our teacher and with our classmates, and it was good for our english, and also for us, because there's always shy people, like me, and this is a very good oportunity to get better in this two ways. Also our teacher tried always to make it funny, once we made videos with funny songs and pictures and it was very great. Also once came a veterinarian from the USA I we could ask her about the career, that was very interesting.

Concluding I have now a better english, I don't get so confused with german anymore, and I speak just like I did it before going to Germany. I also learned a lot of new words, also vocabulary about related to our career. I know that if you don't want to forget a language, you must practice, so I think that I'll take the other classes that are left, because I don't want to forget my english again. And I will also practice with Patty, she speaks really good, if I wasn't her friend and if I didn't know her, I probably think that she is from the USA. And I will also see a lot of movies in english, that help very much! =)

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