Saturday, 19 June 2010
Chanllenges in your discipline

Friday, 18 June 2010
Cold and rain kills 600 endangered penguins

"Experts warned recently that whereas 150,000 pairs of African penguins were counted in 1956, by last year the total had plummeted to only 26,000 pairs - a loss of more than 80% in half a century.
With only 700 breeding pairs of African penguins on the island, the loss of more than half the population's chicks presents an added threat to their dwindling numbers"
I chose this new because I love penguins and also because I'm very worried about the environment, and this new it's about both things. And also it's important to me because it's in a few ways our fault, because of the contamination and all the global warming impact that it's affecting animals.
Improving your faculty facilities

I think that our faculty needs a lot of improvements, like a new place where you can eat, or improve the cafeteria that we already have. We also need places where we can study, because our library it’s not enough for all of us. I think that these are the two things that I miss the most when I speak with another friends about our universities.
But I also would like some changes in the way of teaching in some subjects, like anatomy, I don’t like the way at all, but that’s something more subjective. I talked about anatomy with my cousin that studies medicine in our university, and in his faculty, the teachers use TVs with real videos, like presentations in english, that explains the same that the students are learning at the moment in the laboratory. There’s also a person that films all the class, and then gives to the students a copy from the video, so they can then study very easily for the test. And also they have material, in very good conditions, and for all the class… the class is also divided in groups and there are more than 3 teachers that explains the things on stablished tables and the littles groups must rotate, so they can see everything and don´t have to wait to the others groups that they finished and then keep going.
What I said about the cafeteria was because we have like just 2 menus, that you can choose in the day. So first: you don’t have many options… there always chicken and rice, or chiken and potatoes, or beans, or.. just that, all the week. Second: it’s not cheap at all, it cost a lot more than the menus in other universities… and for example the students with the sodexo tickets, cannot use them because the cafeteria that we have it’s not considered “casino” so… the prices are bigger and the students cannot buy with them real food. So.. we need a bigger cafeteria so then the goverment can considered it as “casino” and the maybe we also have more options on the menu.
And about the library, the computers are very very slow, but that’s not the main problem. The problem is that the students sometimes go there to study, but other go to do homeworks or study in groups, so they are talking all the time, and there’s not enough silence to study like it should be. So I think that we should have other place, where we can study at loud, and we can do homeworks and study in groups… that would be very nice.